It seems we are driving the animals of the planet crazy....
And lest you think that the death of Steve "Cocodile Hunter" Erwin was just as freak accident, we have this which says otherwise. Stingrays want us dead, the invasion has begun...
The venerable Steven Colbert has been warning us for some time about the danger of bears (not, of course, the sexy human variety, but the "godless killing machine" ones). In this clip we have a chilling warning; the bears are on their way, hide yourself, and your monkeys.
So please watch all pets, woodland creatures, sea going organisms (monstorous or otherwise), airborne critters, and anything else we tend to fuck with. They've been pushed too far, and they're coming for us. "A dingo ate my baby!!" will soon seem quite quaint, quaint indeed. Mark my words.
I must now go, I hear the sqirrels gathering outside. They must be stopped, before they attack again....

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