Biker Bear in Vancouver, Canadia

These bears were all around the street of Vancouver, B.C., last May on a trip I made to our neighbors in the north. This one in particular caught our eye. My friend Rodney and I were smitten.
Creations from the Dark Side

These horrifying monuments to human bad taste were for sale in the quaint town of Leavenworth, Washington. Yes, that is a shelf on that woman's boobs, and apart from the Neverland Ranch I see no place in existence where those toilet paper holders should reside. But they must bring someone, somewhere, joy and for that I am happy.
Target Practice

This from the back side of the urinal troff (yes, that's right) at the Seattle Eagle. I have pissed on him many times and I can tell you it's one of the most satisfying experiences one can have in all of Seattle. I recommend a trip there immediately. Drink extra beer for increased ammo.
Last But By No Means Least

The shear number of comments that can be made about this sign, from the window of the Honolulu Tower Hooters, is staggering. My mind reels. I will let it speak for itself and only pose this one question; do the Hooters get sore from all the kids they have to feed, all day, every day?
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