Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Calgon.... give me some grapes.

So I am a bit stressed. The concert previously posted penultimately is the source, and while all is moving ahead smoothly toward its execution, it is a stressful journey. I was sent this today though, and it has given me more than a moment of stress relief, as only a good absurd laugh can. Enjoy!

Did you hear about the duck that walked into a store and said, "Do you have any grapes?" The guy says no. Duck goes home, comes back the next day, says "Do you have any grapes?" Again, guy says no. Duck goes home. Comes back next day, and says "Do you have any grapes?" Again the guy says "NO." The duck goes home and comes back the next day and says, "Do you have any grapes?" The guy says, "NO, and if you ask me one more time I'm going to nail your goddam webbed feet to the floor!!!!". The duck goes home. The next day he comes back and says, "Do you have any nails?" The guy says "No." The duck says, "Do you have any grapes?"

Now that's funny.

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