For any of you that have not received a text message, phone call, or e-mail from me to alert you to this fact, it's snowing in Seattle. This seems to me to be poof that something big is about to happen Something like Lions and Sheep learning to love one another, Gays suddenly being urged by the Religious Right to marry, or Dubya learning to speak English and then actually saying something intelligent. It is a sign.
Hell has Frozen Over. Something big is about to happen. Wait by your phones.
Gutten Tag, Chris, wie geht es Ihnen?
Sorry, hate to break it to you, but Hell is hot. Now, when it snows in Atlanta, call me. :P
Hell is perhaps more a state of mind. I think that Atlanta may fall into that category as well, but for me these days, it's Seattle. So when the perpetual grey turns to white here, I am admitedly quite excited, since I love the snow, but I can't help but imagine South Park's Satan dancing about with the rest of the gays, drinking Starbucks coffee of course.
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