Thursday, September 08, 2005

Random thoughts, read at own risk

Does genius reside in action, or does it lie within the individual whether they use it or not? I feel this is a chicken/egg conundrum, and is ultimately solved by the more important question "If genius goes unused, do we care that it existed in the first place?" So, I go with action as my bar, not that I claim that genius doesn't exist outside of action and within people, but stating that I don't care if it does. It does no good if it's not used. "Does the tree falling in the forest make a sound if no one hears it?" Who cares, no one is there. Alcohol does me no good in the glass, and the genie doesn't help me inside the bottle.

We are crowded with esoteric personal definitions. I'm all for personal expression, but does it help when that expression, by it's very nature and spirit, separates us from those other minds and souls around us?

The gap of knowledge and experiences will always lead people to try to find answers, and the answers that step into that gap will depend heavily on the person's intelligence and environment. The truth of the matter is the majority of people out there do no posses the capacities to get beyond the simple and gross answers, religion being number one on that list. When posed with questions, especially disturbing ones, religion holds comforting, rewarding answers, and truth holds no sway over comfort and reward, especially when truth seems cold and harsh by comparison. But I have to ask, why can't we find answers that are comforting and truthful?

Somewhere in the last 30 years, the Republicans have shifted from the "Do what is right" adult-like party (contra the Democratic "Hey man, you're keeping me down" party) to the "Let me do what I want!" childish party. They act as though they are children on the playground, with playground "rules" and adolescent "logic". Reason and restraint are out, self-serving results are in. Win at all costs, take out those in your way, subvert the truth to get your way. When did the Democratic party become the parent saying "No Billy, you can't do that. I know you want to, but you have to think about more than just yourself...." The Republicans need a spanking, but the liberals keep sending them to the time-out matt...

Wisdom is a transcendence of power. It makes the need for crass manipulation unnecessary, for through wisdom one better understands the nature of the problem faced, and the solution is an organic one, desired by all and natural to every party.

Greatness exists in nearly infinite shapes and forms. It is the integrity of the pursuit of greatness that counts most.

Innocently question, don't knowingly accuse. You'll be amazed by the results.

Why is it that we have such a problem with someone thinking they are smarter than they are, and so little of a problem with someone who thinks themselves to be too dumb? One is "arrogant", the other is "humble". I'd personally rather have someone be too smart than too dumb, yet we seem to want to stamp out the bright and vocal. We see it in public schools, we see it in public office. Why do we have such an aversion to intelligence?

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